We stumble and fall past a once distant future
Resigning to live out the rest of our days
Wrapped in thoughts, lost dreams we created
Cold, naked, we shiver in the beds that we made
Blue-violet shadows a thin dust of snow
Reflects in the din, the demise of the fall
Captured in ice that hangs on the branches
Birds have long flown with the chilling winds call
And the water runs clear in this light of the dusk
Washing our souls of the sins from within
A focus that shifts, my mind off and wanders
With setting suns dancing like balls on the ocean
Its soft dying light paints this storm driven sea
Surfing the swells as she slips ‘neath the white foam
A ghost wind cries openly … mourns to be free
Footprints are wiped from the sand in its passing
For I must bear witness of God’s greatest gifts
To stand alone in attendance, but not for the asking
As most of my life was this struggle within
Yet I notice the beauty that’s always around me
That is frozen and barren by the cold cleansing rain
And down the sidewalks and into the gutter
My crimson blood flows deep, dark and divine
A cross bears my name, available in colors, assorted
I choose one that matches the sound of my dying
I choose the sad song of the lone gull, high o’er the water,
No sight of the land, just the dark angry sea
The winter winds tatter its wings seeking shelter
The ice tears its skin, shredded and boned
As the car turns the corner a mile from its home
Wipers they strain to stay in the headlights
There’s nothing on TV …… and I’m home all alone.