Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lady Kukufer Kokopaups .... my Y2K baby

Missed you old friend.
Looked for you all night
That white muzzle haunting
The absent of light
I left the door cracked
For when you'd use your head
To open the door
When you went to bed

Sorry old friend
You always were
That bouncy old puppy
I bought from the store
I did not notice
The cancer that set
Or the arthritis 
That caused you to walk with a limp

I cherished that first day
I'll remember the last
I want back the middle
It went way to fast
Goodbye 'Paups"
To you went my heart
As I felt yours stop beating
To death we did part

Monday, January 18, 2016

Today I find myself afloat
In a starry Styrofoam boat
Surrounded by a sliver mist
On mirrored waters oh so still
Not a ripple, not a sound
Except an occasion bubble
Memories rising to break the surface
Only to be quickly quelled
And swallowed by the greyish realm
To disturb the numbness that I feel
No pain, no sadness, no anything
A perfect bliss without a care
Not to know where my soul ends
and to where my skin begins
I sit inside this light grey womb
Comforted that its to soon
To rise and face the good and bad
Of the 16 years that we once had
16 years that's gone away
16 years that ends today
No sadness as I held your head
As you slipped away from me
And my hand that felt your last heart beat
No tears as you melted on the floor
As I stood and walked out the door
Into this numbness was set adrift
Aimlessly within my ship
On an ocean void of waves
captured in this brittle haze
My mind numb in this silent fog
I tell myself it was just a dog.